George Robot, 1930
The second robot
It is not quite clear what happened to Eric Robot after his successful tour of America. There is some indication that A H Reffell toured with Eric alone in 1930 however there is less advertising and promotional information which also confirms WH’s role as the major promoter. Due to the success of Eric, WH proceeded to commission London-based Research Engineers Ltd in 1930 to build his second robot, George, this time in collaboration with his son WE Richards, also a mechanic and WW1 veteran.
Typical advert in UK newspaper the Portsmouth Evening News, 12 October 1932
George Robot with Captain WH Richards, Berlin c.1930. Picture credit to German Federal Archives, Bundesarchiv Bild 102-09312. Original caption from the German archives: 'the artificial Maschinenmensch takes "breakfast" in the streets of Berlin with its inventor, the English engineer captain W.H. Richards.' |
George’s physical appearance was different from Eric as he was moulded and more lifelike with a well-rounded physique with muscles in his chest and torso and an aristocratic nose! Family letters and a photo album as well as tremendous media coverage provide indepth details of the European and Australian tours and footage is still in existence of George’s debut at the L’Empire Théâtre in Paris. They appeared at the Winter Garden theatre in Berlin, Le Théâtre à Dix Heures in Brussels, Munich, Hamburg, Leipzig and Hamburg. After a rest in London, they set off for Denmark and two meetings with the Danish Royal Family and an appearance at the Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus in Copenhagen. In the Danish town of Korsor, George was arrested because he had no passport! There were many public appearances in the UK at trade exhibitions and department stores.
Wartime disaster George disappears |
In 1935, WH, WE and George set off for a short tour of Australia, but due to its popularity, the tour was extended from September, 1935 until April, 1936. According to family letters, they were away for 11 months and the financial returns were beyond their expectations. The trio returned to an England preparing for war. When the Second World War broke out, George was buried in a casket-like box and buried under Cheam Motors in Surrey. Sadly, the garage took a direct hit from a bomb during German raids and George was badly damaged. However, there are no further details and the mystery of what happened to George deepens. It is presumed something was recovered or enough was, to be able to say he was severely damaged. WH died suddenly on Christmas Day, 1948 thereby taking many of Eric’s and George’s secrets with him.
Robert Robot c.1952
In early 1952 publicity shots began to appear of a very young Diana Dors with a mechanical man named Robert Robot with her then husband, Dennis Hamilton, alleging to be the inventor of a Robot named Robert. This robot was clearly the missing George robot. There is speculation that somehow the very damaged George found his way to Surrey and into the hands of Mr. Hamilton who claimed to have built him from spare parts he found in the basement. Perhaps Ms. Dors and Mr. Hamilton had moved into a house previously owned or occupied by WH. Further research into census records may help to confirm this. The fathers of Deborah and Andrina, George and Peter Richards, sons of WE Richards, met with Diana Dors and Dennis Hamilton to reach some sort of agreement, and indeed Mr. Hamilton visited the house of George Richards, where, according to an eyewitness report, he physically threatened and assaulted George Richards. Robert was never used in a film with Diana Dors, George Richards and his young family moved to Canada and the trail of Robert/George Robot went cold again. WE subsequently tried to locate the robot during the 50s and 60s but was unsuccessful, which leaves open the possibility that Robert/George has survived and is still out there somewhere!
We would love to hear from you!
If you have any information relating to Captain WH Richards, WE Richards or Eric, George and Robert Robots we would love to hear from you as there are still so many gaps in the fascinating story of WH and his robots- not least the whereabouts of Eric and George or Robert!!